Mysql – How to import a specific line from a text file into MySQL


I'm building an app to import data from a text file to a database.

I want to import only specific lines from the text file. With Navicat I found that we could limit number of line when importing data.

I also found an article saying that we could limit it, so I tried this:

load data infile 'c:/coop/wkwk.txt' into table jo fields 
    terminated by '|' lines terminated by '\n' limit 10,100;

But I get an error in SQL syntax, what is the QUERY to make this work?

Best Answer

If you are using Unix/Linux you could try using a fifo buffer:

mkfifo /tmp/mysql.pipe 
# Select rows 101 to 110
sed -n 101,110p filename > /tmp/mysql.pipe & 
mysql –uusername -p -Ddatabasename -e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ' /tmp/mysql.pipe ' INTO TABLE tablename"

rm -f /tmp/mysql.pipe