Mysql – How to identify InnoDB table corruption


I have some tables that are partitioned and have several indexes on a replicated slave. After copying the snap shot (verified safe) to a new slave and upgrading mysqld from 5.1.42 to 5.5.15 and restarting replication, I'm getting InnoDB crashes with the error message "Invalid pointer …"

These errors have happened across 2 servers with different hardware and O/S. After running:


the problem goes away for that table.

My question is larger in scope, though, and that is "How do you identify InnoDB table corruption?" or rephrased "How do you assess InnoDB table health?" Is "CHECK TABLE" the only tool available to identify problems pre-crash?

Not sure if it matters, but the crashes occurred running:
Version: '5.5.15-55-log' socket: '/opt/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Percona Server (GPL), Release rel21.0, Revision 158

Best Answer

Morgan gives a hint in his comment that InnoDB is constantly checking for corrupted pages by doing checksums on the pages it reads. If InnoDB finds a checksum mismatch, it will crash stop the server.

If you want to speed that process up (instead of waiting for InnoDB to read the corrupted page), you can use innochecksum:

Because checksum mismatches will cause InnoDB to deliberately shut down a running server, it can be preferable to use this tool rather than waiting for a server in production usage to encounter the damaged pages.

An interesting caveat:

innochecksum cannot be used on tablespace files that the server already has open. For such files, you should use CHECK TABLE to check tables within the tablespace.

So yes, for an online table CHECK TABLE is probably the tool (or as pointed out in another answer mysqlcheck if you want to do more than a single database at a time.)

If you can shut down your database you can force it the checksums using innochecksum

Anecdotal: On a innodb tablespace of 29GB (with innodb_file_per_table=1), this script took about 2 Minutes

for i in $(ls /var/lib/mysql/*/*.ibd)
  innochecksum -v $i

As a bonus, though, since you are running Percona, they implemented a new method for fast innodb checksum. I've never used it, but it might speed up the process.