MySQL JSON – How to Group Multiple Rows as Array


This is my current Query:

SELECT innings_no,
sum(NoBalls)                                                    as NB
    FROM (
           SELECT A.innings_no,
                  A.Runs_In_Over + ifnull(B.Extra_runs, 0) = 0 as Maiden,
                  A.Balls - ifnull(B.NoBalls, 0)               as Balls,
                  A.Runs_In_Over + ifnull(B.Extra_runs, 0)     as Runs,
                  ifnull(C.Wicket, 0)                          as Wickets,
                  ifnull(Wides, 0)                             as Wides,
                  ifnull(NoBalls, 0)                           as Noballs
           FROM (SELECT over_id,
                        count(ABBB.ball_id)                 as Balls,
                        Sum(ABB.Runs_Scored)               As 'Runs_In_Over',
                        SUM(if(ABB.runs_scored = 0, 1, 0)) as Zero,
                        SUM(if(ABB.runs_scored = 4, 1, 0)) as Four,
                        SUM(if(ABB.runs_scored = 6, 1, 0)) as Six
                 FROM `database`.ball_by_ball ABBB
                        INNER JOIN `database`.batsman_scored ABB
                                   using (match_id, over_id, ball_id, innings_no)
                 where match_id = 981018
                 GROUP BY over_id, innings_no, bowler
                ) as A
                  LEFT JOIN
                (SELECT BBBB.over_id,
                        SUM(if(BER.extra_type_id = 2, 1, 0)) as Wides,
                        SUM(if(BER.extra_type_id = 4, 1, 0)) as NoBalls,
                        Sum(BER.Extra_Runs)                  As 'Extra_runs'
                 FROM `database`.ball_by_ball BBBB
                        INNER JOIN `database`.extra_runs BER
                                   using (match_id, over_id, ball_id, innings_no)
                 WHERE match_id = 981018
                   and BER.Extra_Type_Id IN (2, 4)
                 GROUP BY over_id, innings_no, bowler
                ) as B
                using (over_id, innings_no, bowler)
                  LEFT JOIN
                (SELECT over_id,
                        count(CBBB.bowler) as Wicket
                 FROM `database`.ball_by_ball CBBB
                        INNER JOIN `database`.wicket_taken CWT
                                   using (match_id, over_id, ball_id, innings_no)
                 WHERE match_id = 981018
                   and CWT.kind_out in (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8)
                 GROUP BY over_id, innings_no, bowler
                ) as C
                using (over_id, innings_no, bowler)
           order by innings_no, over_id
           limit 1000
         ) AS DATA
           INNER JOIN `database`.Player C
                      ON DATA.bowler = C.Player_Id
    GROUP BY innings_no, Player_Name;

This is Output:

| innings_no | Player_Name   | NB   |
|          1 | S Aravind     |    0 |
|          1 | Iqbal Abdulla |    0 |
|          1 | SR Watson     |    0 |
|          1 | CJ Jordan     |    0 |
|          1 | YS Chahal     |    0 |
|          1 | STR Binny     |    0 |
|          2 | P Kumar       |    0 |
|          2 | DS Kulkarni   |    0 |
|          2 | RA Jadeja     |    0 |
|          2 | SB Jakati     |    1 |
|          2 | DJ Bravo      |    0 |
|          2 | DR Smith      |    0 |

I want to get output as below:

| innings_no |           Player_Name          |     NB     |
|          1 | ["S Aravind", .. ,"STR Binny"] | [0, .. ,0] |
|          2 | ["P Kumar", .. ,"DR Smith"]    | [0, .. ,0] |

In the above output, I want to group my result by innings_no and convert those two rows to an array. I tried JSON_ARRAYAGG() function on Player_Name
but the output is not what I want, also it does not work on sum(NoBalls).

How can I solve this?

Best Answer

WITH cte AS (`your query text except last semicolon`)
SELECT innings_no,
       JSON_ARRAYAGG(Player_Name) Player_Names,
FROM cte
GROUP BY innings_no;

If You need a strict position according Player_Name and NB, use

WITH cte AS (`your query text except last semicolon`)
                JSON_ARRAYAGG(Player_Name) OVER win Player_Names,
                JSON_ARRAYAGG(NB) OVER win NBs
FROM cte
WINDOW win AS (PARTITION BY innings_no ORDER BY Player_Name);