Mysql – How to get only month from MySQL date/time

date formatdatetimeMySQLmysql-5.5

In my MySQL server, I have rows that have the date of my created content.
Example: 2013-03-17 02:53:47

For now, I am using:

$date = $fetch[thedaterownamegoeshere];

<?php echo $date; ?>

But instead of getting the full content of the date (2013-03-17 02:53:47), I'd like to get only the month – in this example, I wish to have the number "03" as the result. How can I do that?

Best Answer


You could use the MONTH() function

mysql> select MONTH(NOW());
| MONTH(NOW()) |
|            3 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> select MONTH('2013-03-17 02:53:47');
| MONTH('2013-03-17 02:53:47') |
|                            3 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)


You would have to put the MONTH function into the SQL command you are running.


You could also try the PHP Date Function

$month = date("m",$date)

Also DATE_FORMAT(date_column, '%c') to get '3' as result and DATE_FORMAT(date_column, '%m') to get '03' as result.