Mysql – How to get multiple row data into a row with multiple columns


I have a MySQL table like this:

User_Id  course_name     course_location   course_id
1        course name 1   location 1        1
1        course name 2   location 2        2
1        course name 3   location 1        3
2        course name 2   location 1        2
2        course name 4   location 4        4

How can I get data a result like this:

User_id  course 1       course2        course3        course4
1        yes-location1  yes-location2  yes-location1  NULL
2        NULL           yes-location1  NULL           yes-location4

Best Answer

You must Pivot data using GROUP BY with MAX aggregate and use CASE to filter by User_id.


SELECT User_id
    , MAX(
        CASE WHEN course_id = 1 THEN course_location END
    ) as Course_1
    , MAX(CASE WHEN course_id = 2 THEN course_location END) as Course_2
    , MAX(CASE WHEN course_id = 3 THEN course_location END) as Course_3
    , MAX(CASE WHEN course_id = 4 THEN course_location END) as Course_4
FROM data
GROUP BY User_id;

Sample query in SQL Fiddle.

You can replace course_location by CONCAT('YES-', course_location) is the leading YES is indeed needed.


User_Id | Course_1      | Course_2      | Course_3      | Course_4
1       | location 1    | location 2    | location 1    | (null)
2       | (null)        | location 1    | (null)        | location 4