Mysql – How to find the difference between queries that return multiple rows


I have two tables, website and page, that look like such:

id | name
1  | site 1
2  | site 2
3  | site 3

id | name | site_id |  deleted
1  | home|    1     |     0
2  | pg2 |    1     |     1
3  | pg1 |    2     |     0
4  | pg2 |    2     |     0
5  | pg1 |    3     |     1
6  | this|    3     |     1

In the example, site 1 has one deleted page and one active page; site 2 has two active pages; site 3 has no active pages. The goal is to return a list of websites that have no actives pages.

I have the following query that gives me the number of deleted pages for each site:

SELECT,, count( AS deleted_pages_num
FROM page p
RIGHT JOIN website w ON p.site_id =
WHERE p.deleted = 1
GROUP BY p.site_id

Where you'd get this result

id| name   | deleted_pages_num
1 | site 1 | 1
2 | site 2 | 0
3 | site 3 | 2

and vice versa where you'd set p.is_deleted = 0 to get the number of active pages each website has. I need to find the difference between the two queries so that I can identify which sites have had all pages deleted. Just totally blanking on this.

Best Answer

Try to use the following:

select * from website a where not exists (select null from page where and deleted=0)

Probably this is what you're asking for