Mysql – How to do a complex GROUP BY in MySQL


I have a table that contains several keys into other tables (where each key is comprised of multiple columns). I would like to be able to group rows together that have an equal key, but I don't want to group all of them together. It's not a simple GROUP BY on the key but rather I want to be able to make groups of say 10. So if a particular key showed up 50 times I would get 5 results when I do this grouping (5 groups of 10). I also want this grouping to occur randomly within the key.

I didn't know of the direct way to do this, and the roundabout method I came up with isn't working like I think it should. The roundabout solution I came up with was to create a new column for each key that would be an integer such that value i represents the ith occurrence of that key (but in random order). I could then do integer division so that every n (say 10) rows within the key have the same value, and I could do a GROUP BY on that value.

Is there a more direct way to accomplish what I just described? It's quite awkward, and I ran into problems in creating the new index column (as I described in this question).

EDIT: First of all note that this is for MySQL. I'll add an example in case my goal is not clear. The MySQL docs show a method to get almost there:

CREATE TABLE animals (
    grp ENUM('fish','mammal','bird') NOT NULL,
    name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (grp,id)

INSERT INTO animals (grp,name) VALUES

SELECT * FROM animals ORDER BY grp,id;

This creates a table which, although not what I want, gets close:

| grp    | id | name    |
| fish   |  1 | lax     |
| mammal |  1 | dog     |
| mammal |  2 | cat     |
| mammal |  3 | whale   |
| bird   |  1 | penguin |
| bird   |  2 | ostrich |

I would essentially like to GROUP BY id, except I would want the records with mammal to have one "group" for IDs 1-10, another "group" for IDs 11-20, etc. However, I would be doing this with an existing table, and I wouldn't necessarily want "dog" to show up with ID 1. I would want that initial ordering to be random, but then deterministic from then out.

Best Answer

What about doing a little math against your ID column to dynamically generate the group?

SELECT grp, FLOOR(id/10) AS id_grp
FROM animals
GROUP BY grp, id_grp

This would give you groups of 10 based on the ID of the record. I used your animals table above to generate the data below.

Sample data


Query Output

 | grp    | id_grp |
 | fish   |      4 |
 | fish   |      5 |
 | mammal |      1 |
 | mammal |      2 |
 | mammal |      3 |
 | bird   |      1 |
 | bird   |      3 |
 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)