MySQL Replication – How to Detect Slave Writes


In a MySQL master-slave replication architecture, how do you detect if there have been (erroneously, since this should never happen!) direct writes on the slave?

For now, I'm running this command on the slave:

tcpdump tcp port 3306 and not host my_master_IP -A | grep -i -e INSERT -e UPDATE -e DELETE

whose output, if any, means writes on the slave, which is bad.

Is there a better method?

Best Answer

The best way would be to enable binary logging on the Slave. Why ?

With binary logging enabled on the Slave, each INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE recorded in the binary logs comes with the server_id where the SQL statement originated.

What if log-slave-updates was enabled ?

If you have log-slave-updates enabled on the Slave, every INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE from the Master comes with the Master's server_id. If any writes were executed on the Slave directly, you will have to separate the commands.

EXAMPLE: suppose the Master's server_id is 10 and Slave's server_id is 20. Now, let's say you have these binary logs on the Slave:

| Log_name         | File_size  |
| mysql-bin.000001 | 1073741824 |
| mysql-bin.000002 |  987741325 |

You can separate the Master's commands from the Slave's commands like this:

mysqlbinlog --server-id=10 mysql-bin.* > Master_Commands.sql
mysqlbinlog --server-id=20 mysql-bin.* > Slave_Commands.sql

Then, you examine Slave_Commands.sql to see what commands were run and when.

What if log-slave-updates was disabled ?

This would be better because the binary logs on the Slave should never increase in size on a Slave unless someone or something ran INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs locally.

EXAMPLE: Let's say you ran RESET MASTER; SHOW BINARY LOGS; on the Slave. For MySQL 5.6, you should see this:

| Log_name         | File_size |
| mysql-bin.000001 |       120 |

From this point forward, if the binary logs ever change in size, this quicky tells you that someone or something ran INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs locally. Next, you run

mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.* > Local_Commands.sql

Then, you examine Local_Commands.sql to see what commands were run and when.