Mysql – How to design future proof tables


I am new to database design and have started developing my first schema.

Some of my tables (e.g. user_profile) I am struggling to come up with an exhaustive list of fields for the table. A particular use case could be that a user wants to add an additional field to their profile e.g. favourite color.

I have read a few articles that say the way to capture this use case is to include an 'other' field to the database. This field then maybe contains a json string of additional fields.

Is this method the best practice way to add additional fields to a table? It seems somewhat hacky to me. The obvious con is that the additional fields will not be as accessible when the database runs a query.

Note: I can see that there may be two different scenarios here. One where users have a personalised list of fields (in which case i think the method above will be the only way). Another where over time I realise all users would benefit from having an additional field in their profile. Comments on both scenarios would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You can't design a schema to cope with every possible eventuality, so don't try. Couple of options:

  • Design for what you know now. Revisit and modify when new requirements emerge.
  • Use an EAV model to extend the entities which require a flexible property bag of additional fields. You can use a traditional normalised model for the common/base attributes and EAV for expansion.

For a use case such as yours there's a good argument for reading the user profile attributes once per session and caching until exit. This avoids the major EAV caveat, crappy performance.