Mysql – how to count distinct value per day with start time and end time

countdategroup byMySQLmysql-5.7

my title may seem a bit confusing but here's the context.

I have a table 1. It contains the reference code per connection to SSID with value of start time. Now I have a scenario wherein the user connects today and disconnects after 2days. So in the table it only has 1 record containing starttime which is today and endtime that contains 2days after today.

Now I want to extract a report of user connection per day. In this case when I group by on the reference code per day, it will only count as 1 for 3 days. but i want it to be counted as 1 per day. What are some ways that I can do this?

the row marked as x is the one I am describing above.

The result of that query would be

username                 starttime         count(*)
445425760933             2019-02-05            1
445425760934             2019-02-05            1
445425760934             2019-02-06            1

This is not the result that I am looking for. Below is the result that I need:

username                 starttime         count(*)
445425760933             2019-02-05            1
445425760933             2019-02-06            1
445425760933             2019-02-07            1
445425760934             2019-02-05            1
445425760934             2019-02-06            1

Since the code 445425760933 was used until 2019-02-07

Best Answer

For MySQL 8+:

SELECT MIN(DATE(starttime)) `date` 
  FROM table1
  FROM dates 
  WHERE `date` < ( SELECT MAX(DATE(endtime)) 
                   FROM table1 )
users AS (
  FROM table1
SELECT /* DISTINCT */ users.username, dates.`date`, 1 `count(*)`
FROM users
JOIN dates
JOIN table1 ON table1.username = users.username
           AND dates.`date` BETWEEN DATE(table1.starttime) 
                                AND DATE(table1.endtime)