Mysql – How to combine these tables


Orders database

I have my system working with drinks, and now I'm ready to add burgers and other types of items.

Right now I have 1 orders table with separate item and itemorder tables for each type of item.

This is not sufficient because it is difficult to combine the items into 1 order.

Can you suggest any better way to do it? I'm confused about how to combine them because drinks and burgers have different options, and when I will add more and more items I expect a larger variety of options.

What's the most efficient way to do it?


I combined the item tables, combined the itemorder tables, and added a table with the price and surcharge information so that it won't be stored as often.

flat schema

I feel it can still be improved.


I decided to remove all enums (thanks to Vérace and sibert), and I've improved my price structure (thanks to Lennart), but I'm still trying to determine whether the price table and its relationship are as good as they can be. The itemorder table now refers to priceid so I think it will allow me to correctly retrieve historical itemorders with accurate prices.

enums removed, some cleanup

I still feel it can be improved.

Best Answer

Rule of thumb 1: If the table contains stuff that may change (edit, delete or add columns) in the future, it probably belongs to the data level.

Rule of thumb 2: Always have an unique key to every table. It is simpler to edit order records if there is a unique key for each row.

Rule of thumb 3: Rules of thumbs is not always the best way to do things. It always depends...

One way to struct this:


type_id   1          2         3
type_desc Burger     Drink     Extra stuff

EDIT 1 ---> You do not need to have drink categories. You can have Burger Big, Drink too much etc as several types. The article is the king with all information gathered. Select article and you have all information you need.


art_id    1              2               3             4
art_desc  Burger Big     Burger Small    Burger King   Drink little
art_type  1              1               1             2
art_price 50             40              60            10

EDIT 2 ---> I can see no value (at this point) to have a separate price table. The price should be attached to the article. Which also means one less column in the order table.


order_id     11
order_status 1 (int) Lookup table
order_date   2018-01-01


ordrec_id    1
ordrec_order 11
ordrec_art   1
ordrec_sum   50

When fetching an order you can sum on-the-fly. No need to save sum at order level.

SELECT order_id,sum(ordrec_sum)
LEFT JOIN order_rec ON ordrec_order=order_id
WHERE order_id=11

article_type can be useful if you add more groups of meals to the articles.