MySQL – How Often is Slow_Log Table Updated?


I've changed the long_query_time from 10 secs to 5 secs. I haven't seen any queries logged for a few hours now. Am I supposed to tweak my database for the slow_log table to gets updated more often?

There were slow queries that took longer than 10 seconds and I've already dealt with them. However, the first byte time for my WordPress website is still > 3 seconds according to


I've just changed the long_query_time to 1 sec and still, I haven't seen any slow queries logged yet. Could it be possible that I now have no queries that takes longer than 1 sec to execute (that seems too good to be true, doesn't it?)?

I've seen queries that took longer than 1 sec now so everything is working fine for me – I see the slow queries that I need to see.

*How I got the slow queries to be logged in the slow_log table in mysql database?*
I'm using Amazon RDS MySQL, so as soon as I changed slow_query_log to 1, the slow queries appear in the slow_log table.

Best Answer

The slow query log gets updated once a query is completed and the query time is beyond or equal to value set in long_query_time.

So it could mean either good or bad. The good is all the queries completed within long_query_time. The bad is the slow query is still running.

To experience a slow query you can try subqueries with multiple level.