MySQL – How Many Partitions Should Be Set for a Table


I have a table which contains 3.5M rows of sales data (~4 years).

Currently some of my queries (done from php) take 6-15 seconds to complete. (indexes are useful, as per explain plans). My next step is to partition the table to see if I can squeeze more out of it, without upgrading hardware during development phase of the application.

When the table is queried, at the very most a whole, single year's worth of data is retrieved, sometimes finer like QTR or month.

When the application is 'released', it is anticipated that the data in the table will grow, at a rate of about 900k rows per year.

This being the case. Should I partition only the amount of years I hold in the db currently? assuming that number can be changed down the line. Or should I create more partitions?

The thought which led me to my question is: If I create more partitions than I have years, then queries will need to get data from multiple partitions, will the performance of this case be worse than if my query is only needing to select data from 1 much larger partition?

Best Answer

Do not PARTITION unless you have actions that would benefit from it. Let's see your queries. And, will you be purging 'old' data?

Rule of Thumb: Don't even consider PARTITION unless there is more than a million rows.

Rule of Thumb: Have 20-50 partitions; no more.

Do not create next month's partition until you are about to need it. Keep an empty 'future' partition in case you forget to create the next one.

For real performance, use Summary tables.

More on partitioning.
More on Summary tables.

SHOW CREATE TABLE -- There may be some simple changes to make things more efficient. Also provide a sample SELECT.