Mysql – Help with modeling this table


Thanks for reading my post…I'm new at setting up databases and am working on a simple practice app.

I have a table called PhoneNumbers, which hold a list of phone numbers (duh). I have two other tables that relate to PhoneNumbers, Employee and Company.

Each Employee can have multiple phone numbers, each Company can have multiple phone numbers.

Since my app needs to be able to separate out the difference between Company phone numbers and employee phone numbers, and be able to list each number per employee and per company, I was wondering the best way to set up the PhoneNumbers table, keeping in mind that perhaps there will be more than two Number Types in the future.

One ideas I had was:

Create two fields in the Phone number table called NumberTypeID and OwnerID and create another table called NumberType. NumberTypeID would hold the ID numbers of the Number Types created in the NumberType table. OwnerID would hold ID of the Company or Employee it belongs to.

 - ID
 - PhoneNumber
 - NumberTypeID
 - OwnerID

 - ID
 - Name

I'm thinking the NumberTypeID column will help querying all numbers for all companies/employee easier. I also am thinking this makes it more flexible down the road for new number types, but perhaps is overly complex? Maybe I don't need the NumberTypeID column at all and querying all numbers for all companies/employees is best with a more complex statement saved as a view? Or perhaps I'm missing something else all together?

Again very new at this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

One question I have is how does the Company relate to a phone number? I mean, is there just a list of internal numbers, and will all of these phone numbers be associated to an employee. If they are you can simply just make your phone number table and have it relate to an employee. For example.

create table company
company_id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, --(Primary Key)
company_name varchar(100)

create table employee
employee_id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY,  --(Primary Key)
employee_name varchar(100),
company_id int not null  --(Foreign Key)

create table phone
phone_number varchar(15), -- 555-555-5555
phone_type varchar(10),   -- Home | Cell | Work
employee_id int not null  --(Foreign Key)

employee_id being your foreign key to your employees table. If each employee only works for one company, then to get all of the phone numbers available for that company, you could do something like this

select * from phone as p join employee as e on e.employee_id = p.employee_id where e.company_id = 1

I hope this helps :)