Mysql – Help me to query this two tables properly


Here is my mySQL query which I used to get the details from three tables.

    SELECT `pg`.`id`, 
ref, business_name, `usr`.`full_name`, 
date, `pmt`.`amount`, `pg`.`status` 
    FROM kv_ad_orders AS `pg` 
    LEFT JOIN kv_users AS `usr` 
           ON `pg`.`sales_rep_id` = `usr`.`ID` 
    RIGHT JOIN kv_payments AS `pmt` 
            ON `pg`.`ref` = `pmt`. `transId` 

here it shows only the kv_payments table entries only. Not the whole results. I want to display all the selected columns.

If I make it as left join table, than its showing other results except the amount.

Best Answer

If you want all the rows that have Orders and Payments but maybe don't have user go for the Inner Join/Left join

SELECT `pg`.`id`, ref, business_name, `usr`.`full_name`, date, `pmt`.`amount`, `pg`.`status` 
  FROM kv_ad_orders AS `pg` 
INNER JOIN kv_payments AS `pmt` ON `pg`.`ref` = `pmt`. `transId` 
LEFT JOIN kv_users AS `usr` ON `pg`.`sales_rep_id` = `usr`.`ID` 

If all the data must match, go for this:

SELECT `pg`.`id`, ref, business_name, `usr`.`full_name`, date, `pmt`.`amount`, `pg`.`status` 
  FROM kv_ad_orders AS `pg` 
INNER JOIN kv_payments AS `pmt` ON `pg`.`ref` = `pmt`. `transId` 
INNER JOIN kv_users AS `usr` ON `pg`.`sales_rep_id` = `usr`.`ID` 

If you are talking about query projection (columns to be returned regardless of the matching data) go for select pg.*

SELECT `pg`.*, `usr`.`full_name`, `pmt`.`amount`
  FROM kv_ad_orders AS `pg` 
LEFT JOIN kv_users AS `usr` ON `pg`.`sales_rep_id` = `usr`.`ID` 
RIGHT JOIN kv_payments AS `pmt` ON `pg`.`ref` = `pmt`. `transId`