Mysql – Grouping data into 5 minute intervals within a time range

chart;database-designgroup byMySQL

I am trying to prepare data for a candle stick chart. I have some records on MySQL database as shown below:

| Rate     | Date                |
| 0.001111 | 2017-11-12 19:13:05 |
| 0.001214 | 2017-11-12 19:14:11 |
| 0.001612 | 2017-11-12 19:15:42 |
| 0.001231 | 2017-11-12 19:16:23 |
| 0.001514 | 2017-11-12 19:17:23 |
| 0.001611 | 2017-11-12 19:26:33 |
| 0.001421 | 2017-11-12 19:27:25 |
| 0.001214 | 2017-11-12 19:28:27 |
| 0.001611 | 2017-11-12 19:29:55 |

I want to group below data as shown below:

| Rate     | Date                |
| 0.002325 | 2017-11-12 19:10:00 |
| 0.004357 | 2017-11-12 19:15:00 |
| 0.004357 | 2017-11-12 19:20:00 |  # Auto generated record of missing record.
| 0.005857 | 2017-11-12 19:25:00 |

I was trying to understand calendar table, but I wasn't able to do with that.

I also followed this link but still failed.


This is my sample query that I am using currently to get data with date sorting and grouping.

SUM(exchange_rat) AS totalAmount, 
DATE_FORMAT(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(created_at) - unix_timestamp(created_at) mod 300), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') as createdAt 
from payments group by createdAt

Best Answer

This is a very basic implementation of a calendar table. As you cans see, it simply group dates using intervals.

drop table if exists calendar;
drop table if exists intrv;

create table calendar(id int, dt timestamp);

insert into calendar values 
(1, '2017-11-12 19:10:00'), 
(1, '2017-11-12 19:15:00'),
(1, '2017-11-12 19:20:00'),
(1, '2017-11-12 19:25:00'),
(1, '2017-11-12 19:30:00');

create table intrv (Rate decimal(18,6), Dt timestamp);

insert into intrv values
(0.001111, '2017-11-12 19:13:05'),
(0.001214, '2017-11-12 19:14:11'),
(0.001612, '2017-11-12 19:15:42'),
(0.001231, '2017-11-12 19:16:23'),
(0.001514, '2017-11-12 19:17:23'),
(0.001611, '2017-11-12 19:26:33'),
(0.001421, '2017-11-12 19:27:25'),
(0.001214, '2017-11-12 19:28:27'),
(0.001611, '2017-11-12 19:29:55');

select    c.dt as dt1,
from      calendar c
left join intrv i
on        i.dt >= c.dt 
and       i.dt < date_add(c.dt, interval 5 minute)
group by  c.dt;
| dt1                 | rate     |
| 12.11.2017 19:10:00 | 0,002325 |
| 12.11.2017 19:15:00 | 0,004357 |
| 12.11.2017 19:20:00 | NULL     |
| 12.11.2017 19:25:00 | 0,005857 |
| 12.11.2017 19:30:00 | NULL     |

rextester here

For the second part of the question, you should explain how to auto-generate the desired values.