Mysql – Giving a name to a dynamic column


I have written a query to fetch a time internal:

select *, (Time + interval '2012-12-18 13:36:47' minute)  from chatnotiservice;

Is it possible to name the (Time + interval '2012-12-18 13:36:47' minute) column?

Best Answer

Use AS. For example:

mysql> select 'data' as mycolumnname;
| mycolumnname |
| data         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


If you actually want to name the column after the date operation you're performing (your question isn't clear), you can do it by enclosing it in backticks. For example:

mysql> select 'data' as `Time + interval '2012-12-18 13:36:47' minute` ;
| Time + interval '2012-12-18 13:36:47' minute |
| data                                         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


I suspect what you mean is the following:

select *,(Time + interval '2012-12-18 13:36:47' minute) AS mytime from chatnotiservice;
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