Mysql – Find and Replace text in all table using thesql query


I have a database with name test having two tables

  1. sample1(name, quote)
  2. sample2(name, quote)

I need a replace function or procedure that does the following

  1. Find columns with String data type (Text,varchar,char,etc) in all tables within test database
  2. Look for a value in that column and replace it with a new value

I have found an stored procedure in this post but I don't understand how it works.

is there anyway to achieve this or adopt the stored procedure in the linked post for my use?

Best Answer

MySQL's replace function should come handy to replace the text you need:

update $table set column = replace(column, 'old_text', new_text') where column='old_text' and <other_conditions>;

Now, as you talk of replace in all tables, that's something not possible in single query. Though you can create a routine to do so! For the sample you can refer a procedure which is finding a string in all tables of all databases.

  • (Though been already mentioned in comments) table_schema is a column name of information_schema.tables table which represents the database name.