Mysql – Error: The user specified as a definer (‘Admin’@’%’) does not exist


Error de SQL (1449): The user specified as a definer ('Admin'@'%') does not exist

I have this error when I'm trying to update a table. I don't know what I must do, because this error only happens with one table, but I don't want to damage other tables and the database.

I've searched how to fix it and I've executed this query:

Transact-SQL: show procedure status

But it doesn't show me the definer of my database.

What do I have to do without damaging the database?

Best Answer

Thanks, I executed this query and it worked. We need change the word 'someuser' for 'Admin' in my case.

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'complex-password';