Mysql – Error on import of thesqldump file – Illegal double value found during parsing


I am currently getting the following error while trying to import / restore a mysqldump file:

ERROR 1367 (22007) at line 445: Illegal double '1.79769313486232e+308' 
value found during parsing

I looked at various places online and could not find anything that was similar.

Some background:

I am trying to create a new replication box and the mysqldump is new from another replica box. Both boxes are:

CentOS 5.7 with MySQL 5.0.77-4

Used the following to create the mysqldump:

$ mysqldump --lock-all-tables --all-databases | gzip -9 > mysqldump.sql.gz

The new replication box has nothing on there right now and all the databases / tables are supposed to be created by mysqldump. Any insights?


Best Answer

There is current open bug report on this one.

The bug report has a suggested work around at the bottom entry [22 Jan 2010 6:46]:

replace 1.79769313486232e+308 \'1.79769313486232e+308\' -- filename

Give it a Try !!!