MySQL – Fixing Table Creation Error: Invalid Position for Identifier


I keeping getting this error during table creation: Order is not valid at this position expecting an identifier. I look up on the Web but I can't figure out how to fix this. What that error means, and how to fix it?

Create Table Customer 
CustomerID Int Primary Key,
CustomerName varchar(20) Not Null,
CustomerContactNo varchar (10)Not Null,
CustomerAddress varchar(50)Not Null,
CustomerEmail varchar(25)Not Null

Create Table Employee
EmployeeID TinyInt Primary Key,
EmployeeName varchar(20) Not Null,
EmployeeContactNo varchar(10)Not Null,
EmployeeEmail varchar(25)Not Null

Create Table Order
OrderNo Int Primary Key,
Foreign Key(CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(CustomerID),
Foreign Key(EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)

Best Answer

You are using a reserved word "Order" as a table name.

This is possible, though still not a good idea, if you (always) embrace the name in back-ticks, i.e.: `Order`. It would probably be better to come up with a different table name, though.

By the way, your Order table has a few other issues as well. You need to add the CustomerID and EmployeeID columns before you can create foreign keys with them:

Create Table `Order` ( 
  OrderNo Int Primary Key, 
  CustomerID Int, 
  EmployeeID TinyInt, 
  Foreign Key(CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(CustomerID), 
  Foreign Key(EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)

Also, are you sure tinyint is the data type you want for EmployeeID? It's got a very limited range, only [-128, 127].

Another good idea is to specify your ints (in all the tables) as unsigned, i.e.: CustomerID Int unsigned, since presumably you won't be using negative IDs.