MySQL Schema – How to Dynamically Change Schema to Accommodate Custom Fields


I am working on building a sort of a cms for a particular project. Nothing that will have a large volume of records in any table. Within 6 digits max.

I was thinking to create the default schema for all tables but then allow the editors to add custom fields to certain tables by adding fields to the schema. Obviously there would be the option to also drop fields.

I'm not an expert but neither a noob and I am sure I can write the proper codes to not get things mixed up and make a mess of it.

But still would this have any impact on the data integrity if changes are made on populated tables?

What are the hazards I could come across?

Best Answer

I did a presentation about the various solutions to support custom fields:

The most straightforward option for greatest compatibility with SQL, including constraints and data types, is just to add columns as needed. But I would caution to not let users do this, instead let them submit a request and the DBA can perform the operation. A good tool to reduce impact is pt-online-schema-change.

Other solutions include: