MySQL Galera – Fixing Duplicate Keys Error After Switching


I recently switched from a single MySQL installation to MySQL Galera, running on 3 nodes addressed via HAProxy. Ever since switching I do get randomly "duplicate key" errors reported which theoretically should not be possible as I do check if the dataset is already available.


MySQL Error executing stmt:

        INSERT INTO user_ips

 Error No:  1062
 Error:         Duplicate entry '444079-, 1' for key 'user_id'

My code looks like this:

function save_user_ip($user_id){
    global $T62, $link;
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    // do we already know that user by this ip?
        SELECT ID AS ip_id
        FROM $T62
        WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND ip = '$ip'
    $row = db_get_row2($stmt);
    $ip_id = isset($row->ip_id) ? $row->ip_id : "";

    if (!$ip_id){ // ip unknown for that user, save it
            INSERT INTO $T62
        $ip_id = db_insertid($link);
    return $ip_id;

Running this on a test page it works as intended. On the production server under load it however does not always work. I thought about INSERT IGNORE but would rather not run an insert on all actions as writes are slower and it also triggers a warning.

Running SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename creates following output:
1146 – Table 'tablename' doesn't exist

One possible solution that seems to work at least on development cluster:

// save ip. Will ignore if already known ip
#echo $stmt; exit;
$ip_id = db_insertid($link);
// if ip already known, retrieve it
if (!$ip_id){ 
        SELECT ID AS ip_id
        FROM $T62
        WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND ip = '$ip'
    $row = db_get_row2($stmt);
    $ip_id = $row->ip_id;
return $ip_id;

Not sure how this improves the situation on prod or if it makes things even worse. There might be a more elegant solution.

Thank you in advance for any help on this.

Best Answer

User error.

Since when does an ip look like,

444079-, 1 implies that, 1 was what was used as the ip. That's the first 15 characters, so I guess you have VARCHAR(15). (Note: this is why the first comment was asking for SHOW CREATE TABLE.)

So, your funny IP got truncated, leading to a user-caused DUP KEY.