Mysql – Doubts about Converting MyISAM to InnoDB (master/slave and more)


I want to convert my MySQL DB (46 Tables, 2.1 GB) from MyISAM to InnoDB. I have a couple of questions about this process.

  1. Since I have a Master/Slave structure, do I need to manage this and change the Slave also? Or any structural changes will directly affect the Slave?

  2. Do I have to stop the slave before the conversion?

  3. I'm using MySQL 5.5.32 (on ubuntu 12.04). Should I update MySQL (to 5.6.*) before the conversion?

  4. I use only stored procedure to run queries. Is there something I need to change for the new engine?

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to share them with me.

Best Answer


1) Since I have a Master/Slave structure, do I need to manage this and change the Slave also? Or any structural changes will directly affect the Slave?

I would recommend you change the Master to all InnoDB and leave the Slave all MyISAM

You will definitely need to make configuration changes since InnoDB has more a lot more moving parts in memory and disk.

2) Related to n.1, do I have to stop the slave before the conversion?

You can disable binary logging in your session and convert all tables on the Master without replicating any of it to the Slave. Therefore, you do not need to run STOP SLAVE;

3) I'm using MySQL 5.5.32 (on ubuntu 12.04). Should I update MySQL (to 5.6.*) before the conversion?

You need to upgrade either way. Why? I wrote a post describing how Oracle had a security path installed in MySQL 5.5.40 and 5.6.21 (See my post Find MySQL Patch Level)

  • If you want to remain with MySQL 5.5, upgrade to MySQL 5.5.40 or greater
  • If you want to upgrade to MySQL 5.6, upgrade to MySQL 5.6.21 or greater

4) I use only stored procedure to run queries. Is there something I need to change for the new engine?

No changes for stored procedures are necessary

I have discussed this before. Here a two of my posts where I describe having a Master and Slave with different engines:


Create a script that has these instructions. It will convert everything to InnoDB without replicating:

# Query to Create SQL Script
# that Converts All Your MyISAM tables to InnoDB
SQLSTMT="SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',table_schema,'.',table_name', ENGINE=InnoDB;')"
SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='MyISAM' AND"
SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema','mysql','performance_schema')"
# 1. Disable the Binary Logging of Your Session
# 2. Append storage engine conversion statements
# 3. Execute the Script

NOTE: Please do your homework and make changes to the InnoDB settings and log files before doing this conversion. Without do so, some have experienced slow performance because of the default settings of InnoDB


Here are my other posts on how and why to tune InnoDB after (or before) converting from MyISAM