Mysql – Different Indexes with different query duration


I had the following table that holds phone contacts of users.

CREATE TABLE `contacts_phone` (
  `playerPhone` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  `friendPhone` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `by_contact` (`playerPhone`,`friendPhone`),
  KEY `by_id` (`playerPhone`),
  KEY `by_phone` (`friendPhone`)

I built the next query that returns mutual friends of my friends:

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE phones.*, COUNT(phones.friendPhone) AS mutual_friends
FROM (SELECT cp2.friendPhone
    FROM contacts_phone cp1
    JOIN contacts_phone cp2 ON cp1.friendPhone= cp2.playerPhone
    WHERE cp1.playerPhone = 'PHONE_NUMBER') phones
WHERE phones.friendPhone IN (SELECT friendPhone
        FROM contacts_phone
        WHERE playerPhone = 'PHONE_NUMBER')
GROUP BY phones.friendPhone

Until this point everything was ok 🙂

As our product grew we have collected 13M rows to this table and had a product requirement to add the users id to this table. So I made the next change:

ALTER TABLE `contacts_phone` 
DROP INDEX `by_contact` ,
ADD UNIQUE INDEX `by_contact` (`playerPhone` ASC, `friendPhone` ASC, `cid` ASC),
ADD INDEX `by_cid` (`cid` ASC);

I added the user's id (cid) to the table and filled the missing data. part of the rows didn't have id so I had to use DEFAULT NULL.

I built a different but pretty similar query but now using cid instead.

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE phones.*, COUNT(phones.friendPhone) AS mutual_friends
FROM (SELECT cp2.friendPhone
    FROM contacts_phone cp1
    JOIN contacts_phone cp2 ON cp1.friendPhone = cp2.playerPhone
    WHERE cp1.cid = 'USER_ID') phones
WHERE phones.friendPhone IN (SELECT friendPhone
        FROM contacts_phone
        WHERE cid = 'USER_ID')
GROUP BY phones.friendPhone

I expected to get a similar query duration but the result was that when querying with cid the duration is doubled.

What am I missing out? Do I have something wrong in my design?
Could it be because of the nullable index?

Best Answer


  • A "user" is uniquely associated with a "phone"
  • A "user" having a "friend" (also a "user") is indicated in a table that includes UNIQUE(personPhone, friendPhone). (UNIQUE is used to prevent redundant entries.) (in table contacts_phone)

Then the number of friends that 'Rami' and 'Rick' have in common is found

    FROM contacts_phone AS me
    JOIN contacts_phone AS you  USING (friendPhone)
    WHERE  me.personPhone = 'Rick'
      AND you.personPhone = 'Rami'

And the UNIQUE index above serves this query well.

Another approach:

SELECT friendPhone FROM (
    ( SELECT friendPhone FROM contacts_phone WHERE personPhone = 'Rick' )
    ( SELECT friendPhone FROM contacts_phone WHERE personPhone = 'Rami' )
                        ) AS x
GROUP BY friendPhone

This finds all our common friends. Wrap a SELECT COUNT(*) ( ... ) AS y to get the count. (This is likely to be slower.)

How many different friends Rami's friends have. First, let's decide on some details using this example:

Rami's friends:  A, B, C, X

A's friends:     D, Rami, C
B's friends:     E, F, A   (guess B doesn't like Rami back)
C's friends:     A, D, Rami
X's friends:     Y, Z

Rami's friends' friends:  D(twice), Rami(twice), C, E, F, A(twice)

Should the count be:

9 -- but that includes dups
6 -- but that goes back to Rami
5 -- excludes Rami, but includes 1st level A and C
3 (D, E, F) -- Maybe this is the count you want??

The desired output is:

A  2
B  0
C  1
X  0

Friend of friend

Let's break the problem into 2 steps. First, see if this gives you the list of friend-of-friends, together with their counts:

SELECT  c2.friendPhone AS friend_of_friend,
        COUNT(*) AS cnt
    FROM  contacts_phone AS c1
    JOIN  contacts_phone AS c2  ON c2.personPhone = c1.friendPhone
    WHERE  c1.personPhone = 'Rami'
    GROUP BY  c2.friendPhone;

That should include people that are not directly your friends. So, let's filter those out. One way is thus:

SELECT  fof.friend_of_friend, fof.cnt
    FROM  ( ... the above query ... ) AS fof
    JOIN  contacts_phone AS c1  ON x.personPhone = c1.friendPhone
    WHERE  c1.personPhone = 'Rami';

(Other approaches might involve HAVING or EXISTS.)