Mysql – Deleting Data From Multiple Tables


Suppose,I've a table called UNIVERSITY containing universities name:

universityID    universityNAME  isACTIVE
     7            GNDU             1
     6            PU               1
     5            PTU              1
     8            LPU              1

Now these universities ID's has been(obviously) used in many tables within the database(name e.g.Education),Suppose 10 tables.

Q.Now what happen if i delete one university?

A.The universityID field in other tables becomes NULL.

But I don't want these,rather when I delete 1 university from UNIVERSITY TABLE,all its occurrences with Rows in all 10 table should get deleted.

What will be the shortest and easiest MySQL Query for this operation.

NOTE:I'm using PHP language.

Best Answer

If you have foreign keys to this table, add the option ON DELETE CASCADE. Then when you delete a row in a parent table all the rows in the child tables that refference that row will be deleted as well.