MySQL – Debugging Mode in MySQL Workbench


When running queries in MySQL workbench, some of them are captured to the log file at either:

  • MySQL/Workbench/logs
  • MySQL/Workbench/sql_history

However, I'd like to see ALL the possible queries that MySQL workbench does. Is there a way to do this on the client-side, i.e., where MySQL workbench is running? For example, it would be nice to see how these graphs are being generated and the system data is being grabbed, etc.:

enter image description here

Best Answer

To see all queries sent to a server check the general/slow query log (it must be activated for that server, of course).

Alternatively, for these graphs check the source code of MySQL Workbench. Use the labels below the graphs to find a location in code. For example the "InnoDB Buffer Usage" graph is created in plugins/wb.admin/Frontend/ Study the code to learn which variables are queried to get series of values.