MySQL Restart – Troubleshooting Long DB Restart Times


I tried to restart MySQL through WHM and now its taking way too long to restart, the progress bar is still showing.

What can I do?

I can still access the server via SSH but I cannot connect to MySQL. This is urgent as my online store is now down.

Will restarting the HTTP Server (Apache) help?

Best Answer

Without seeing any additional information, here is my best guess why MySQL is trying to shutdown for a long time: I suspect mysqld no longer has a socket file.

About 1.5 years ago, I answered mysql restart issue after move database. I learned that mysqld depends on the presence of a socket file. If there is no socket, mysqld just draws lots of dots on the screen and then gives up.

In that old post, I wrote three instructions

  • kill mysqld_safe
  • kill mysqld
  • start mysqld

Please go do this now ...

I have discussed MySQL behavior with the socket file (or lack of it) 4 years ago (See my older post mysql restart won't kill child processes on CentOS)