Mysql – Database insanely (and weirdly inconsistently) slow on 8.0


I recently tried moving a large DB to 8.0, and am seeing insanely bad speeds (100x slower in some cases). I've spent the last 2 days googling this and feel like I've tried everything and have not had any luck.

Some info: I spun up a new VM for the new instance. It has more ram, same SSD drives and should be generally faster than the old one, but I still have that running so I can compare the two.

I pulled one of the queries I found acting slow, and did some testing:
Table accounting has ~100k rows. Here's where things get a little odd. I have a production and dev database on the new server and I am getting drastically different speeds. I have copied this particular table recently, so I know the table, structure and keys are identical in all 3 places. (Note cash and status are both ENUM)

SELECT * FROM `accounting` WHERE type='cash' AND status='pending'
Response on 5.7: (Query took 0.0427 seconds.)
Response on 8.0 dev db: (Query took 0.7911 seconds.)
Response on 8.0 prod db: (Query took 4.1671 seconds.)

The first digit on those response times are consistent every time. I've speed tested the underlying hard drive and it is testing faster than on the old server.

I've tried every config option that came up while googling and none of them help significantly. Here is what I have. I've tried larger and smaller versions of most of these options. This server has nothing else happening on it, and this site isn't using it in production right now so I can experiment and restart as much as I need.

sort_buffer_size = 4M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 5G
innodb_io_capacity = 2000
innodb_read_io_threads = 64
innodb_thread_concurrency = 16
innodb_write_io_threads = 64
innodb_log_file_size = 3G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 64M
#optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off' #this significantly hurts performance
tmp_table_size = 256M
performance_schema=OFF #roughly 25% speed increase

I'm really at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I tried adding a type+status index on prod-8.0 db, and the speeds were blazing. When I removed the index, I am now getting speeds consistent with dev-8.0 db. Not sure what this tells us.

Edit 2: Table I'm testing with is MyISAM.

Update (and solution):

I ended up installing mariadb, and the queries are blazingly fast. I guess it's time to hop off the MySQL train.

Best Answer

Welcome to the growing query planner insanity heisenbug. It started in 5.7 and got worse in 8.0. I suspect what you will find is that EXPLAIN for that query looks strikingly different between 5.7 and 8.0.

Your options are:

1) See if it regains some sanity if you change optimizer_% variables to the same values as on 5.7

2) Run ANALYZE TABLE accounting; repeately and hope it'll change it's mind. Note that this is subject to change as statistics estimation runs periodically in the background.

3) Use index hinting (USE/FORCE INDEX(indexname)). This is stable, but you'll be whack-a-mole-ing queries throughout your code base.

4) Switch to MariaDB which doesn't seem to suffer from this kind of query plan instability.

Don't use MyISAM unless you have an overwhelmingly good reason for doing so.