Database Design – Model a Company with Owner, Partner, Employee


I'm working on an app that has mainly two entities: Company and User. A User can be an employee, owner, or a partner.

My current approach of modelling this is:
enter image description here

Capacity is enum with possible values: employee, owner, partner

Someone got me confused suggesting I should have three separate tables for each of these capacities, which I don't think is right.

I'm terribly unsure whether the capacity could grow to more in future.

Should I create another capacity table and reference it in Personnel as a foreign key, in case we wish to add more capacity? Would that be a scalable (and right) approach?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I would not have separate tables but you might want to consider not using enum for the capacity column.

Instead use a table named, perhaps, capacity that has an id referenced in the personnel table (much like user ID and company ID). That makes it trivial to add new titles/positions without disturbing anything else.