MySQL – Data for the Latest Previous Effective Date Subquery


Imagine issues with linked

  • Time entries to track the time spent
  • Journal entries to track progression evolution

(Actually a part of Redmine schema)

Let's take some sample data:


id subject estimated_hours
1 First issue 4
2 Second issue 8

Time entries

id issue_id spent_on hours
1 1 2020-12-02 1
2 1 2020-12-05 1.5
3 2 2020-12-06 0.5
4 1 2020-12-10 1
5 2 2020-12-10 1
6 2 2020-12-15 2
7 2 2020-12-15 1


id issue_id updated_on done_ratio
1 1 2020-11-20 0
2 2 2020-11-20 5
3 1 2020-12-01 20
4 1 2020-12-03 40
5 2 2020-12-06 30
6 1 2020-12-07 70
7 1 2020-12-11 100
8 2 2020-12-12 50

Now for each time entry I need to know the latest done ratio.
Here is what I'm expecting

id subject spent_on hours done_ratio
1 First issue 2020-12-02 1 20
2 First issue 2020-12-05 1.5 40
3 Second issue 2020-12-06 0.5 30
4 First issue 2020-12-10 1 70
5 Second issue 2020-12-10 1 30
6 Second issue 2020-12-15 2 50
7 Second issue 2020-12-15 1 50

I thought I could get that with this query:

, iss.subject
, tie.spent_on
, tie.hours
, jou.done_ratio
FROM time_entry AS tie
JOIN issue AS iss ON (tie.issue_id =
  , updated_on
  , done_ratio
  FROM journal
  ORDER BY updated_on DESC
) AS jou ON (
  jou.issue_id = tie.issue_id
  AND jou.updated_on <= tie.spent_on
GROUP BY, tie.spent_on
ORDER BY tie.spent_on

But it's returning the first done ratio for every time entry.

Here is a playground to fiddle with the mentioned data

How can I get the done ratio of the latest journal prior to (<=) each time entry ?

I'm using mariadb:10.2.9 here but this should pretty much be standard ANSI SQL

Best Answer

To solve your problem, I did the following:

Took your fiddle and put it into - the best one around with the most servers! I used MariaDB 10.3 (10.2 isn't available on dbfiddle) and I also used PostgreSQL - the most standards compliant F/LOSS server around (possibly along with Firebird). MySQL and its derivatives are not great - I presume that fixing some of the bugs/inconsistencies would break a lot of systems now - see the discussion below on ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY).

The MariaDB fiddle is here and the PostgreSQL one is here if you're interested.

I'll show some SQL that demonstrates my train of thought and then the final (correct) result. I'm a big fan of Window functions in SQL and I thought that I could use them to answer this question. They are really powerful and well worth getting to know!

So, I was attempting SQL like this:

  i.subject AS i_sub, AS te_id, te.issue_id AS te_is, te.spent_on AS te_so, te.hours AS te_hr, 
  -- ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY te.spent_on ORDER BY te.spent_on, j.updated_on,, AS rn_je, AS j_id, j.issue_id AS j_iss_id, j.updated_on AS j_upd, j.done_ratio AS j_dr,
  -- ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY j.updated_on ORDER BY j.updated_on ASC, j.done_ratio) AS rn_j,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY, j.done_ratio DESC) AS rn_te_id,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY j.done_ratio ORDER BY j.done_ratio) AS rn_j_dr,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY te.spent_on ORDER BY te.spent_on) AS rn_te_so,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY j.updated_on ORDER BY te.spent_on) AS rn_j_so
FROM time_entry te
JOIN journal j ON te.issue_id = j.issue_id 
JOIN issue i ON te.issue_id =
WHERE j.updated_on <= te.spent_on
ORDER BY te.spent_on, j.updated_on,,;

Result (better viewed in the fiddle):

i_sub   te_id   te_is   te_so   te_hr   j_id    j_iss_id    j_upd   j_dr    rn_te_id    rn_j_id rn_j_dr rn_te_so    rn_j_so
First issue 1   1   2020-12-02  1   3   1   2020-12-01  20  1   1   1   1   1
First issue 2   1   2020-12-05  1.5 3   1   2020-12-01  20  2   3   3   2   2
First issue 2   1   2020-12-05  1.5 4   1   2020-12-03  40  1   2   2   1   1
Second issue    3   2   2020-12-06  0.5 5   2   2020-12-06  30  1   3   3   1   1
First issue 4   1   2020-12-10  1   3   1   2020-12-01  20  3   2   2   4   3
First issue 4   1   2020-12-10  1   4   1   2020-12-03  40  2   1   1   1   2
Second issue    5   2   2020-12-10  1   5   2   2020-12-06  30  1   2   2   2   2
First issue 4   1   2020-12-10  1   6   1   2020-12-07  70  1   1   1   3   1
Second issue    6   2   2020-12-15  2   5   2   2020-12-06  30  2   1   1   1   3
Second issue    7   2   2020-12-15  1   5   2   2020-12-06  30  2   4   4   3   4
Second issue    6   2   2020-12-15  2   8   2   2020-12-12  50  1   1   1   2   1
Second issue    7   2   2020-12-15  1   8   2   2020-12-12  50  1   2   2   4   2

As you can see, it took considerable experimentation (not to mention most of the night, much to my financée's displeasure...) to find a unique combination of fields using ROW_NUMBER(), but I eventually found it - using


does the trick as follows:

  ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS "Id", i_sub AS "Subject", te_so AS "Spent on", te_hr AS "Hours",
  j_dr AS "Done ratio" 
    i.subject AS i_sub, AS te_id, te.issue_id AS te_is, te.spent_on AS te_so, te.hours AS te_hr, AS j_id, j.issue_id AS j_iss_id, j.updated_on AS j_upd, j.done_ratio AS j_dr,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY, j.done_ratio DESC) AS rn_te_id  FROM time_entry te
  JOIN journal j ON te.issue_id = j.issue_id 
  JOIN issue i ON te.issue_id =
  WHERE j.updated_on <= te.spent_on
  ORDER BY te.spent_on, j.updated_on,, 
) AS t
WHERE rn_te_id = 1
ORDER BY te_so, te_id;


Id      Subject  Spent on    Hours  Done ratio
1   First issue  2020-12-02    1            20
2   First issue  2020-12-05    1.5          40
3   Second issu  2020-12-06    0.5          30
4   First issue  2020-12-10    1            70
5   Second issue 2020-12-10    1            30
6   Second issue 2020-12-15    2            50
7   Second issue 2020-12-15    1            50

which is as requested! QED - et voilà!

Just for kicks, I decided to look at the performance of my own and the other answers to your question. This is best done using MySQL 8 (version >= 8.0.18) which has the new EXPLAIN ANALYZE functionality, which is a vast improvement over the old EXPLAIN EXTENDED - it's much closer to PostgreSQL's functionality now (although PG is still by far and away the superior database).

You can check these out for yourself in the fiddle - it's a lot of text! Furthermore, unfortunately, the elapsed time for a query functionality covered in this article isn't returned by dbfiddle - and I don't have a running instance of MySQL at the minute. The plans are rather cryptic unless you're an expert, but a decent rule of thumb is that fewer lines mean better performance!

My own query appears to do rather poorly - but it would take (and this applies to the other solutions also) testing with a realistic dataset (plus with proper PRIMARY and FOREIGN KEYs) to be able to pronounce definitively on the optimal solution.

Your first query fails under MySQL 8:

Expression #5 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'jou.done_ratio' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

also under PostgreSQL:

ERROR: column "iss.subject" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 6: , iss.subject ^

The ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY problem in the MySQL error message is well known - by not having it enabled, you are running a very high risk of your query not returning correct results - it may work for small test cases, but then you'll start to obtain (ahem...) anomalous results (i.e. just plain WRONG!). Enable it on all of your systems NOW - it's enabled by default on MySQL 8, but not on any of the MariaDBs on I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is that you make this change!

Your second query works under version 8, but also has the biggest (most lines) in the plan, so mightn't have optimal performance.

@bbaird's plans are the best (i.e. smallest) - the best one being:

  id, subject, spent_on, hours, done_ratio
    SELECT, issue.subject, time_entry.spent_on, time_entry.hours, 
     ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY journal.updated_on DESC) AS rownum
      time_entry time_entry 
      issue issue
        ON = time_entry.issue_id
      journal journal
        ON journal.issue_id = time_entry.issue_id
             AND journal.updated_on  <= time_entry.spent_on
  ) x
  rownum = 1

which gives the plan:

-> Left hash join (journal.issue_id =, (journal.updated_on = (select #2))  (cost=2.38 rows=16) (actual time=0.060..0.211 rows=7 loops=1)
    -> Inner hash join (time_entry.issue_id =  (cost=2.10 rows=2) (actual time=0.017..0.024 rows=7 loops=1)
        -> Table scan on time_entry  (cost=0.18 rows=7) (actual time=0.004..0.007 rows=7 loops=1)
        -> Hash
            -> Table scan on issue  (cost=0.45 rows=2) (actual time=0.004..0.006 rows=2 loops=1)
    -> Hash
        -> Table scan on journal  (cost=0.53 rows=8) (actual time=0.012..0.015 rows=8 loops=1)

which is very compact relative to the others. However, my remarks about realistic testing and proper indexing still apply!

+1 pour une excellente question qui m'a obligé à beaucoup réfléchir (avec fiddle en plus!). p.s. bienvenu sur le forum!