MySQL – Counting on Two Different Columns in the Same Table


I run a pool league and have kept stats in Excel. I want to automate via a website and MySQL will be my primary data analysis tool, though my knowledge there is only at the beginning of a long journey.

I have 2 tables (only showing relevant tables and relevant fields)

id            BigInt
display_name  VarChar(250)

id            BigInt
winner_id     BigInt
loser_id      BigInt

I want to produce a result set to show as a table of standings, like this:

NAME          WINS     LOSSES
User2dn        12         7
User1dn        11         8
User5dn        10         8

I can manage the ORDER BY

I have other queries where I have successfully joined these two tables to get the display names for both winner_id and loser_id by using 2 different aliases for the same user table and that worked great, but I'm totally baffled here.

What I really need is more complicated than this, since I need to report from multiple other columns in match_results, the max of high_run (as a winner or loser) and bonus points which will be a sum irrespective of winner or loser status. I wanted to keep this question as simple as I could so I could understand it, and then build up the additional complications later. Hope that's OK.

Best Answer


If you have a table of users, and a table of matches, you should probably have a reference table between the two of them, that has a many-to-many relationship.

id (PK)       Int
display_name  VarChar(250)

matchId (PK)   Int
  -- Other relevant attributes about the match

ResultId (PK)      Int
Name           Varchar(100) 
  -- Win, loss, whatever else

matchId (PK, FK)  Int
UserId (PK, FK)   Int
ResultId (PK, FK) Int

For every match, you should have a record for every participant in that match, and their relevant result. Unless you plan on having more than 2 billion matches or users, I would stick to using Int.

Now you can join across these tables and SUM() or MAX() or whatever aggregate you would prefer.

SELECT u.Name , 
          WHEN r.Name = 'Win' THEN 1
          END )AS Wins , 
          WHEN r.Name = 'Loss' THEN 1
          END )AS Losses
FROM match_results AS mr INNER JOIN users AS u ON mr.userId =
                       INNER JOIN matches AS m ON mr.matchId =
                       INNER JOIN results AS r ON mr.resultId =;


Using your existing schema, you can use sub queries to aggregate your statistics

  SELECT u.display_name AS NAME, 
    (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM match_results mr WHERE mr.winner_id = AS Wins,
    (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM match_results mr WHERE mr.loser_id = AS Losses
  FROM users u