MySQL – Counting IDs in One Table Not Present in Another for Specific User


I have two tables I want to count the number of ids presented on first which is not in second with respect to user id how can I do the same?

For example.

Case 1

Table 1.

|id|data           |User_id
|4 |Some data      |12
|5 |Another data   |8
|6 |Some other data|6  


|1 |4       |12    |
|2 |5       |14    |
|3 |12      |12    |

Case 2

Table 1.

|id|data           |userid
|4 |Some data      |12
|5 |Another data   |24
|6 |Some other data|32
|7 |Some more data |12


|1 |4       |12    |
|2 |5       |14    |
|3 |12      |12    |

What I am trying to do is this.

I want to know how many occurrences of id in table1 which is not in table2 for the user 12.

How can I do that?

Case 1 it should return 0

Case2 it should return 1

Best Answer

You can get it by using NOT EXISTS

First example:

create table table1 (id int, data varchar(100), user_id int);
insert into table1 values (4, 'some data', 12);
insert into table1 values (5, 'another data', 8);
insert into table1 values (6, 'some another data', 6);
create table table2 (id int, tableid int, user_id int);
insert into table2 values (1, 4, 12);
insert into table2 values (2, 5, 14);
insert into table2 values (3, 12, 12);
SELECT count(*) coincidences
FROM   table1
WHERE  user_id = 12
                   FROM   table2
                   WHERE  tableid =
                   AND    user_id = table1.user_id);
| coincidences |
| -----------: |
|            0 |

dbfiddle here

Second example:

create table table1 (id int, data varchar(100), user_id int);
insert into table1 values (4, 'some data', 12);
insert into table1 values (5, 'another data', 24);
insert into table1 values (6, 'some another data', 32);
insert into table1 values (7, 'some more data', 12);
create table table2 (id int, tableid int, user_id int);
insert into table2 values (1, 4, 12);
insert into table2 values (2, 5, 14);
insert into table2 values (3, 12, 12);
SELECT count(*) coincidences
FROM   table1
WHERE  user_id = 12
                   FROM   table2
                   WHERE  tableid =
                   AND    user_id = table1.user_id)
| coincidences |
| -----------: |
|            1 |

dbfiddle here