Mysql – compouned (composite) unique keys


I was looking in this page but also on stackoverflow and google because I though this may be a quite common question but could not find anything related… I may not be using the right terminology here.

The question is quite straight forward.

Is it a good practice having nested unique keys (or mix of primary and unique keys) inside another unique key?


I have a table with columns A, B, C, D, E, F and G
Primary or UNIQUE Key would be (A, B) and UNIQUE KEYS (A, B, C) and (A, B, D).

I would like to know whether or not this is kind of things are a good practice in general but also for mysql.

Thank you very much

Best Answer

  • Every table should have a PRIMARY KEY. In MySQL this implies two things: a UNIQUEness constraint, and an index.
  • Any kind of index can be "composite" ("compound"), that is be composed of more than one column.
  • It is rarely useful to have two UNIQUE keys in a single table. (Remember: PRIMARY counts as UNIQUE.
  • A common exception is when you are 'normalizing' a long string and 'mapping' it to a short INT.
  • If you already have a unique key (a), it is unreasonable and unnecessary to have also have UNIQUE(a,b) or UNIQUE(b,a). On the other hand, it may be useful to have a non-unique INDEX(a,b) and/or INDEX(b,a). Think how the uniqueness of (a) implies the uniqueness of the other two.
  • With INDEX(a,b), there is virtually no reason to also have INDEX(a) (Note: I am not talking about UNIQUE in this bullet item.)

If I have not addressed your specific question (perhaps indirectly), please rephrase your question.