MySQL – Changing System Time on Server


I've discovered that my MySQL server is 10 minutes behind the current time because NTP was not running for some reason.

It is a single node and running MySQL version 5.6.15-56.

I know that changing time can affect replication in clusters but does it have any effect on single node servers?

Best Answer

Maybe none of these matter, but here are some guesses:

  • Strange values in the data (in your application) due to 10 minute jump.
  • Out of order things if you need to back up 10 minutes. Search your code for ORDER BY. (Other constructs could be affected, too.)
  • cron jobs and MySQL Events that fail to run or run twice. (If you have trouble here, re-code them to protect themselves.)

There are probably more things, but I can't think of any 'dangerous' ones.