Mysql – Changing Data Directory on MySQL 8


Need: To store / accesses dbTable data from a separate drive not the default

I was using MySQL 5.7 so far & as specified in the solution – Link1 I added the my.ini file with the info as stated & it worked fine.

I now uninstalled MySQL 5.7, installed MySQL 8, created a my.ini file & specified the info as stated in this solution Link2. But when I check it still points to the default C:\ drive & hence unable to access data from the existing database stored in E:\ drive



C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Data\

The new my.ini file which I have created as below in

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0 

datadir = E:/MySqlData

Hope the issue faced is clear, await inputs.


I found this input – Link Could anyone let me know if this could be a reason ? Also any known hex editors for Windows 10 ?

Update: Even after removing the hex characters, the server still does not start if I point the parameter datadir in my.ini file to my database folder in another drive

Best Answer

Make sure the directory where you want to write the data files is accessable for MySQL. I put it the security settings on Everyone.

You might need to copy the data also from old data directory to the new one.