Mysql – Change the same field from all the tables from a particular database


Suppose I have a database sitedb and in that I have 20 tables and a primary key(say uid) for one table is used in other tables as dependencies.
uid is of type int with length 10. Lets say that the number of entries in the table is full and I need to increase the capacity of the uid to the length 11.
Is it right to do so? What will happen to the related tables and how will it affect the relation?
What if I change the value of uid in all the tables to length 11. Is there a tool which will allow me to check and change the value of every related uid in all the tables in the database? Updates?

Best Answer

Modify column by name(s): you can also use any SQL Where, such as column_name in (...) or using other columns in information_schema.columns table.

select  concat('alter table ',table_schema,'.',table_name,' change column ... ;') from information_schema.columns  where column_name='r_id'

use group_concat or similar and just copy/paste.