MySQL – Cannot Create Federated View in MariaDB


For the first time ever could not find a solution on internet!
The problem is when I'm trying to (on local server):

CREATE TABLE `DB_1`.`testView`

I'm getting an error:

#1939 – Engine FEDERATED failed to discover table `DB_1`.`testView` with 'CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `testView` AS select 'test_line' AS `test_line` CONNECTION='remote_server''

Obviously you can see that VIEW is very simple for testing purposes (executed on remote server):

 CREATE VIEW `DB_1`.`testView` AS SELECT "test_line"

The user in remote_server has all privileges. View was tested with different options and content. Federated tables work fine. Server version on both machines: 10.0.29-MariaDB-0+deb8u1

Am I missing something?

Best Answer

You are using FederatedX engine and since you are not specifying column definitions explicitly, it is trying to perform assisted discovery to retrieve the structure of the table. It cannot do it with the underlying "table" being a view, so you are getting the error.

Instead, try to specify the columns:

-- remote
CREATE VIEW `DB_1`.`testView` AS SELECT "test_line"

-- local
CREATE TABLE `DB_1`.`testView` (test_line varchar(16))