Mysql – Best way to organize compound indexes on partitioned table (date by range)


I have a table with an auto increment primary key, but in order to use the partition feature in MySQL I had to include the date in the primary key so I would use partition by range using the date column.

Since MySQL creates an automatic index on the primary key (I'm assuming this), does this mean that since my date column is not on the left part of the index, then would it be beneficial to create a single index on just the date column?

95% of my queries use the date column under WHERE
5% of my queries use the id under the WHERE clause
none of my queries use both columns under the WHERE clause

I used to have just a single index on the date column, but since I'm using partitions I'm forced to add the date column to the primary key. Should I create a single index on the date column? I'm asking this because my tables are big (30GB) and I don't want to add unnecessary overhead.

Best Answer

Yes, in order to use the date column efficiently you need the date first in the index - or as you suggest, by itself. If you can sacrifice auto increment, you can change the index order to (date,id), but then you'd need another index for id for the 5% queries on them. Probably your best bet is an extra index for date.


"MySQL can use multiple-column indexes for queries that test all the columns in the index, or queries that test just the first column, the first two columns, the first three columns, and so on"

Furthermore - you can test the way MySQL uses indexes by prefixing your queries with "explain", but you probably knew that already. This way you can try the variants and evaluate them.