MySQL – Best Approach to Delete and Update Large Number of Rows


I'm currently developing a REST API that connects to a MySQL database and does a bunch of queries.

In one of those queries I happen to have to delete a bunch of rows from a table and each of those rows have a unique identifier.

And basically I have two approaches to do so: (that I know).

  1. Build a bunch of DELETE FROM table WHERE id=value; statements and execute them sequentially.
  2. Build only a DELETE FROMstatement but with a massive OR chain.

I don't have a ton of experience handling databases and any suggestion or advice would be greatly appreciated.


I just noticed that I also have something similar happening with a UPDATE FROM statement where I set a lot of records to the same given value, so any advice on that too would be really nice.

Best Answer

Simple and easy:

    WHERE id IN ( 11,22,... 999 );

But... If you have thousands of ids to delete, let's discuss where they the ids came from. If they are sitting in another table, or can be found via some form of SELECT, then a "Multi-table DELETE" is probably a better way to do it.

Or if you know that the rows are consecutive in some way, then there may be other options. For example, to delete "old" rows:

    WHERE datetime < NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY;

will delete rows older than a week.