Mysql – AWS RDS MariaDB replication to GCP Cloud SQL or Azure SQL DB


For disaster recovery, I need to replicate an Amazon Multi-AZ RDS instance currently using MariaDB to a different platform like Google Cloud Platform or Azure. If AWS is down for more than 30 minutes, I want to point my apps over to the other platform.

I know replication could more easily be achieved with an EC2 database, but if it's possible to use RDS I would stick with it.

How can RDS replicate to another cloud platform?

Best Answer

I don't think it can be done solely in RDS, at least not directly between 2 DBaaS platforms. Both vendors would need interoperability in their APIs. I think your stuck standing up a Linux/Windows server in AWS/GCP/Azure to be a "on-prem" host to work in between the DBaaS platforms.

This may be helpful:

Of course...

Replication to an instance of MySQL running external to Amazon RDS is only supported during the time it takes to export a database from a MySQL DB instance. The replication should be terminated when the data has been exported and applications can start accessing the external instance.

Hopefully you need to do this for a migration, and not ongoing replication, or you don't care about being in a "supported" configuration.