Audit Plug-in Error for MySQL 5.7.24 – Troubleshooting Guide


I have tried installing MariaDB audit plugin for MySQL 5.7.24.
I have downloaded the '' from MariaDB-10.3.11 and I think it is compatible with MySQL 5.7.24.
But I have encountered this error while running command

INSTALL PLUGIN server_audit SONAME 'server_audit';

ERROR 1126 (HY000): Can't open shared library
'/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/server_audit' (errno: 2
/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/server_audit: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory)

thanks for any help

Best Answer

INSTALL PLUGIN server_audit SONAME '';

According to the documentation, the SONAME should include the extension - '.so' in this case.