MySQL – When to Use Xtrabackup Instead of Mysqldump


We use the Puppet code for deploying MariaDB. Those are the backup options.

  • mysql::backup::mysqldump: Implements mysqldump backups.

  • mysql::backup::mysqlbackup: Implements backups with Oracle MySQL
    Enterprise Backup.

  • mysql::backup::xtrabackup: Implements backups with
    XtraBackup from Percona.

We don't own MySQL Enterprise Backup licenses.

Here the backup script. The big problem at the moment, we don't notice when backup is failing.

# MySQL Backup Script
#  Dumps mysql databases to a file for another backup tool to pick up.
# MySQL code:
# GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
# IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
##### START CONFIG ###################################################


# Use a pwd file. See
PWD_FILE=$(mktemp ${DIR}/backup.cnf.XXXX)
echo "
" >> $PWD_FILE



##### STOP CONFIG ####################################################

set -o pipefail

    find "${DIR}/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${PREFIX}*.sql*" -mtime +${ROTATE} -print0 | xargs -0 -r rm -f

mysqldump --defaults-file=${PWD_FILE} -u${USER} --opt --flush-logs --single-transaction \
 --all-databases | bzcat -zc > ${DIR}/${PREFIX}`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`.sql.bz2

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

rm -rf $PWD_FILE

backup time

# time /usr/local/sbin/

real    21m35.647s
user    20m47.059s
sys     0m7.843s

backup size

# du -sh mysql_backup_20160223-123920.sql
4.9G    mysql_backup_20160223-123920.sql

Is it in our use case better to use xtrabackup? When to use xtrabackup?

Best Answer

There are two ways to detect when your mysqldump fails: One you use already:

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

If this condition fails, you can conclude your backup is a failure... Another mode is to using tail -1 backup.sql which should tell you "Backup completed successfully"

So if only worry is if-it-was-successful, then you can use above methods to determine.

Xtrabackup is physical while mysqldump is logical, which is mostly a decisive factor in choosing one over other. In case you need to restore individual table/database, with mysqldump it is possible but not with xtrabackup (unless you do complete restore). Physical backup is fast comparatively but also asks for frequent restore tests like data corruption is not easily identifiable (I think so) for hot backups. There are more pros and cons you can consider looking around but if you think this time is too much and you have identified your restore requirements fit in with Xtrabackup, go with it. Here is holland-xtrabackup setup steps if you'd like to configure it that way.

If you're worried about speed and still want a logical backup, go with mydumper.

If you're fine with physical backup go with Xtrabackup.

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