Mysql – Any reasons at all *not* to use MySQL in this scenario


I want to know if there is any reasons at all not to use MySQL in this scenario.

2 servers behind a virtual IP with MySQL master-master replication

Goal: redundancy, want this to run 24/7 servicing a liferay cluster

I have plenty of reasons why to use this (1 I want your most pessimist thoughts.


We are using this already in an similar situation and are considering using something else for a new setup. We have access to s MSSQL cluster that are more than capable of handling the 24/7 demand.

Top reasons to use MySQL (as you see they are manly "political")

  • It's how we have done it in the past, so less surprises expected
  • We(2 will have more control over performance as we can add memory/cpu to the (virtual) db-servers ourselves when we want
  • No need to migrate export data from MySQL to a new DB


The MSSQL cluster is run by the "windows"-crew whilst I belong to the "*nix"-crew. So while the cooperation between us is good there is naturally a bit more fuss/delay when you have to ask someone else to do something rather than doing it yourself.


Two days after this question was asked the decision what solution to use was made, so any answers(3 that would have helped make that decision is now not needed (this time anyhow).

If anyone want to generalize this question (as Jeff suggested) please do.


When this update was written there was only one answer

Best Answer

Here are the cons that I see, this being a somewhat subjective question:

There are political reasons for and against this setup.

I don't know if I can be any more clear than that.

I would think this would be a huge benefit, so I would use this as my main selling point, because otherwise I don't see why not use the existing infrastructure to do what you need:

No need to migrate export data from MySQL to a new DB

Note that that's really going to turn into a con for you pretty quickly, cos everyone will say "just put a stub in that converts the MySQL requests into MSSQL" and that's going to be the negative all over again.