Mysql – Alternate to use LIMIT in subquery in thesql


I have 2 tables, Resource and views and I'm trying to get the list of all the items from Resource table whose ran_resId don't match with the ran_resId of last 2 records of views table. I'm trying to use LIMIT in my sub-query which is giving this error:

This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'`

Here's my query –

select r.res_id, r.res_name
from Resource AS r
where r.ran_resId NOT IN 
      ( select v.ran_resId
        from views AS v
        order by v.viewsid
        limit 2
group by r.ran_resId

I've google it and found out that LIMIT can't be use in SubQuery in MySql, And as an alternate I could use JOIN however I'm not able to create the query to get the desired results.
A help is highly appreciated.
PS – I'm using MySql 5.6

enter image description here

Best Answer

If 2 is a fixed value and you'll never need to compare against 3, 4 or more items in the future, then you could convert the subquery to a derived table and find the 2 values with aggregation:

select r.res_id, r.res_name
from Resource as r
     ( select min(lim.ran_resid) as ran_resid_1,
              max(lim.ran_resid) as ran_resid_2 
         ( select v.ran_resid
           from views as v
           order by v.viewsid
           limit 2
         ) as lim
     ) as x
     on r.ran_resid NOT IN (x.ran_resid_1, x.ran_resid_2)

A more general solution (where you can use any LIMIT and not just 2), is to write the antijoin with the LEFT JOIN / IS NULL method:

select r.res_id, r.res_name
from Resource as r
     left join
     ( select v.ran_resid
       from views as v
       order by v.viewsid
       limit 5
     ) as x
     on r.ran_resid = x.ran_resid
where x.ran_resid is null

An NOT EXISTS version should work as well but I'm not sure that it would be very efficient, due to the double nesting:

select r.res_id, r.res_name
from Resource as r
where not exists
  ( select 1
      ( select v.ran_resid
        from views as v
        order by v.viewsid
        limit 5
      ) as x
    where r.ran_resid = x.ran_resid
  ) ;

Also note that I removed the last group by r.ran_resId from your query.

It makes no sense to group by a and select b, c in a query. And while MySQL allows it, it is a guaranteed way to get garbage results.