phpMyAdmin Super Privileges – Admin on phpMyAdmin Does Not Have Super Privileges


I have Plesk via GoDaddy and I am the sole admin and user. When I go to phpMyAdmin and try to execute the following:

SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 'ON'

I get the error "#1227 – Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation"

Considering I don't have the tab for security how can I change the sql database privileges to allow this? It would be easy to do if it was local hosted but I can't find anything on how to do this with my specific setup.

Best Answer

Plesk via GoDaddy does not allow you to have admin privileges over phpMyAdmin. This seems to be a result of shared hosting. In order to do any action that does require that privilege you have to use work arounds or third party software.

I answered this here as it seems that this information cannot be found on the Plesk or goDaddy forums.