Mysql – Accuracy of thesqldbcompare vs other tools like pt-table-checksum


I was curious to hear what everyone's experiences are with using mysqldbcompare vs pt-table-checksum( from Percona Toolkit ) to find the differences between two MySQL databases.

I have heard that pt-table-checksum is pretty dead-on accurate in figuring out if two DBs are different, but it looks like mysqldbcompare is able to show the actual row differences better and more clearly in its output.

However, how do we know whether mysqldbcompare is as accurate as pt-table-checksum or is it more/less ?


Best Answer

It is a non goal of pt-table-checksum to show you the actual differences. However, there is a companion tool pt-table-synch which can read the checksum table generated by pt-table-checksum. It will take the bounds of chunks where master/slave checksums differ and then scan with in those to identify rows that don't match.

It will even generate replace statements ready to execute on the slave to get it in synch with the master.