MySQL Access Denied for Root on Ubuntu


Disk space was full on my server and I needed to do a mysqldump. I tried logging into MySQL, but temporarily forgot the password. I then tried using the --skip-grant-tables & , but I received an error and it did not work. I tried several times.

I finally got hold of the correct password, but I encountered an issue that:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib /mysql/mysql.sock'  

Somehow I was able to get rid of that error through lots of trial and error, but now I can still not login.

Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using   password: YES)

I need to reset the password for MySQL without losing data.

Best Answer

Looks like your socket file is missing

When that happens, you must connect to MySQL using TCP/IP as follows

mysql -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 --protocol=tcp

Specifying the port number and protocol, this will connect to MySQL with or without a socket file.

I have suggested this method many times when mysqld is running without a socket file

NOTE: Restarting MySQL will bring back the socket file. Usually, starting MySQL when mysqld is already running is what usually cause the socket file to disappear. (See Is there anyway that I can manually create a PID for the MySQL instance?)