MySQL – Using Antelope and Barracuda Storage Formats Simultaneously


I've been doing some reading about the Antelope and Barracuda file formats for InnoDB. I recall at least one source mentioning that the two should not be used simultaneously.

I can't think of a good reason (while using innodb_file_per_table) that I couldn't use Antelope on one table and Barracuda on another. However, maybe I'm missing something.

Are there any good reasons to avoid using Antelope and Barracuda simultaneously?

(Note: The reason I'm planning on using both simultaneously is that I don't want to mess with our existing (quite large) tables. Perhaps this isn't a big deal? Is migrating from Antelope to Barracuda trivial, even for large tables?)

Best Answer

I wrote a post 3 years ago that discusses this very subject : innodb_file_format Barracuda

In terms of storage, using Antelope and Barracuda is possible. However, in my post, I discuss a residual effect on the InnoDB Buffer Pool. You need a larger Buffer Pool because Barracuda compressed pages in the Buffer Pool have to be decompressed to the read in the Buffer Pool.

You should dig deeper through Percona's Performance Blog site for any additional insights.