The recommended RAID configuration for an Oracle database

best practicesoracle

RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) comes with different configurations (RAID-0, RAID-1…). What is the recommended RAID configuration that I should set up and use when installing an Oracle database. The database will mainly be used as a data warehouse.

Best Answer

It depends. When looking at a data warehouse, if you don't have a specific design in mind, automatic storage management may be an excellent route.

Consider the discussion at AskTom, OTN Forums, OTN Forums 2, and OTN Forums 3.

There is no one right way to deal with things, and the answers change based on a host of hardware and network factors. In order to discover for yourself, preload a sample data warehouse (only a gig or two, enough to play with) on an ASM based machine, on a SAN with the Raid being virtualized by linux and on a hardware based raid machine.

By timing the results of queries on all three of the environments, you'll be able to discover which methodology works the best for you performance-wise. I've deployed databases using ASN and linux-based virtual raids, and a virtual raid behaved slightly better (a few years ago.) However, I suspect that was in part the way the drives were set up.

There is no singular right answer. If you can provide us more details about the size and performance requirements, it may be possible to explore various test cases.


Every "disk group" may be made up of one or more disks, directories, or files on the appropriate subsystem. Oracle recommends "For best performance and reliability, choose a RAID device or a logical volume on more than one physical device and implement the stripe-and-mirror-everything (SAME) methodology." when placing files on a filesystem. That reads as if oracle is recommending RAID 1+0.

ASM managed disk groups, however, "A normal redundancy disk group requires a minimum of two failure groups (or two disk devices) if you are using two-way mirroring. The effective disk space in a normal redundancy disk group is half the sum of the disk space in all of its devices" apparently automatically provide mirroring.

These devices themselves can be comprised of RAID devices, and so on. In practical tests when I was setting up RAIDed data warehouses, a simple virtual RAID 5 on the filesystem provided acceptable performance, and additional ASM added no performance benefits. In this kind of optimization task, first identify your resources, and then test the every possible configuration, as sometimes the results can be extremely counterintuitive.